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Taxi Reserveren

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Voordelige en betrouwbare taxibedrijf in Mechelen & Omgeving

Taxi Mechelen

Taxi Mechelen available 24/7

SINCE 2007

Km Taxi Mechelen is a competent dynamic taxi company. Based on our sympathetic, honest and professional drivers, we provide a fast, punctual service to every possible destination at an unseen price.


Taxi Mechelen
Taxi KM Mechelen
Taxi Mechelen
Taxi Mechelen

Brussels Airport

Price to and from Mechelen:


Charleroi Airport

Price to and from Mechelen:


Other destinations:

For the prices of other destinations, please contact us!

For Business

With us, companies can enjoy numerous benefits:

-Payments by bank transfer

-Payments can be made up to 30 days after receipt of the invoice

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